Kerala Region
Latin Catholic Council

Coastal Area Development Association for Liberation (CADAL)


Fr. Sabbas Ignatius


Joseph Jude

General Secretary


1. To build the community in the coastal area to amass the strength of the coastal people for collective action.
2. To promote overall development of the coastal area through infrastructure development, livelihood promotion and welfare programmes.
3. To protect the sea and the coastal ecology and make it an abode of fishermen community.
4. To prepare and equip the community to help reduce the risk related to various disasters due to global warming, climate change, Tsunami and similar causes.
5. To offer formal and informal education support to empower the coastal community through the formation and sustenance of appropriate systems, structures and institutions.
6. To promote leadership among the coastal community.
7. To influence the policy decisions of the Governments and other stakeholders in view of the development of the coastal areas and the coastal community.
8. To monitor the Government schemes and programmes for the coastal people and evaluate its effectiveness.
9. To offer capacity building support to NGOs, CBOs, CSOs. and other similar organizations for the effective implementation of the programmes for the coastal area.
10. To develop synergies between various agencies, institutions, and individuals who are working for the development of coastal people.
11. To prepare / modify sustainable development plan for the development of the coastal area of Kerala.
12. To conduct research studies, case analysis, project evaluations, policy/budget analysis etc.
13. To promote Gender equality, gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting & auditing.
14. To organize interface with policy makers, government officials line department staff, leaders of private sector, media, citizen leaders, activists and Civil Society Organization.
15. To promote public advocacy and lobbying.
16. To investigate, study, document, print, publish, store and disseminate information on issues relevant to disasters, coastal regulations, development of coastal area and coastal communities, National and international policies, Agreements, programmes, best and worst practices etc.
17. To promote/support campaigns, conferences, exposure visits, training etc, relevant to the development of coastal area and the coastal community and to protect the community from all inequalities and exploitation.
18. To publish books, papers, monographs, journals, newsletters, and other educational materials for furtherance of the objectives of the Organization.
19. To conduct non profit motive projects on its own and on others behalf.
20. To offer fellowships, scholarships, prizes, stipends etc in furtherance of the objects of the Organization.
21. To set up /promote/develop teams of experts to provide professional and technical support on issues related to coastal area and coastal community development at the regional national and international level.
22. To collaborate and maintain links with other similar networks, forums, associations, and institutions in India and elsewhere for attaining the objectives of the organization.
23. To raise funds and accept donations, grants, gifts of cash and securities and of any property movable and immovable for the promotion of the objective of the organization.
24. To invest the funds of the Organization from time to time for furtherance of the financial base of the Organization.
25. To purchase, hire, acquire, accept as gift or on lease property, movable or immovable, of the Organization for furtherance of the objects of the Organization.
26. To sell, mortgage, exchange, donate, lease or dispose or deal with any property movable or immovable, of the organization for furtherance of the objects of the Organization.
27. To construct, maintain, alter, improve or develop any buildings or works necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Organization.
28. To appoint staff and create positions for the activities of the organization as per the bye-laws.
29. To give salary, honorarium for the services rendered to the organization for the advancement of the objects of the Organization.
30. To take up all other lawful activities for the attainment of the above objects of the Organization.
31. All the incomes, earnings, movable-immovable of the Organization shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion and its aims and objects only as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no profit on thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits, or any manner whatsoever to the past or present members. No members of the Organization shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Organization or make any profits, whatsoever by virtue of this membership.
If any of the above objects are against section 3/section 32 of Travancore Cochin literary scientific and charitable society act, they will not have any legal validity.